We get you everything you need to

know about your next prospect.

Revolutionize Your Sales Research with GritAE

Designed for all AEs

GritAE is engineered to elevate your sales game, whether you're navigating the fast-paced world of high velocity sales or crafting tailored pitches for large ticket deals. Select the path that best suits your sales strategy:

For SMB sales

For Enterprise sales

Rapid Research Insights

Get a comprehensive overview in just 10 minutes, ensuring you're always prepared, never rushed.

Efficiency at Scale

Manage a high volume of deals without sacrificing quality

Swift Action on Research

Move quickly from insight to action, with tools tailored for up to 100 follow-ups and 10-30 demos weekly.

Deep research at

Warp Speed

Struggle to find even 20 minutes for research? GritAE's AI crafts your first draft of prospect intelligence swiftly, enabling deep dives into your narrative, all within 5 minutes.

Your Infinite

Research Canvas

Losing insights in a sea of tabs and notes? GritAE is your dynamic research whiteboard, a central hub for endless exploration and creative pitching.

Verified Insights,

Confident Conversation

The quality of your research shouldn't be a gamble. GritAE ensures the insights you use to qualify and characterize your prospects are reliable, coming from your favourite data sources, making you a more effective researcher.


Customised for Your Game

Overwhelmed by how to act on your research? GritAE's suite of AI-assisted fully customsiable micro-actions, be it personalized pre-call notes, targeted follow-ups or your own custom actions, they ensure every step is impactful, with minimal effort on your part.

Co-pilot for gritty

account executives

Turn those frantic pre-call minutes into a power-packed strategy session. Designed to close more deals, faster.