Data Sources

GritAE Documentation

Learn how to configure and use GritAE

Data Sources


Zoom data source let's you bring in your call recordings and transcripts into GritAE. With these available in GritAE, you can solve for various use cases, such as:

  • Generate the meeting summary

  • Find the action items which came up

  • Find the competitors which were mentioned

  • Figure out which of the discovery questions got answered

Connecting Zoom

To connect your Zoom account to GritAE, go to Settings -> Data Sources and then click the Add button for the Zoom integration. This would redirect you to the Zoom's autorization page to approve giving access to your Zoom account to GritAE. Please note that we only ask for readonly access to your account, that too only for detaills that we require to be able to fetch the meeting recordings and transcripts for a meeting. Once you approve the access request, you would be redirected back to GritAE with your Zoom data source settings page open. Check the settings and click on Save to enable the data source.

Disconnecting Zoom

If you do not wish to continue using the Zoom data source, you can disconnect it by going to Settings -> Data Sources. Go to the Zoom data source, click on the actions menu, and select the Delete option. You would be asked for confirmation to delete the data source. On confirmation, the Zoom data source would be deleted and conversations happening on Zoom would no longer be imported into GritAE.

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